Happy pets in flats, 2021

3 min readFeb 7, 2021

Pets not only elevate our mood at home but also keep us healthy through constant engagement. New pet owners living in a flat are often concerned about the potential lack of space both indoors and outdoors to keep the pet happy.

Fortunately, cats live much longer indoors (see this article from Animal Humane Society). While it is true that giving your cat sufficient internal space to explore is essential to their health and happiness, the great news is that your apartment has a lot more space for the feline than you might think! Because cats like high places to stay alert with a broad view, they can enjoy the full dimensions of the flat even more than their human companions — e.g. a comfortable cat tree, a cosy spot on the sofa, a funky water bowl fountain, or a safe spot for them to stare out of the window endlessly.

For dog lovers, small dogs such as Pomeranians are extremely cute while requiring less space and less frequent outdoor exercises. For example, this mini-Pom sure lights up your day after 8 Zoom meetings! Spending time with your dog and letting them get used to the people and the environment around them in the apartment will greatly reduce their anxiety. If you are choosing a new flat, having a balcony or living close to the ground floor will also be beneficial for their emergency bathroom trips.

In the case of a pet’s medical needs since lockdown, many veterinary practices now consult and prescribe remotely, subject to RCVS standards. From an October 2020 RCVS survey, the majority of the veterinary surgeons and nurses in the UK used remote consulting both during the lockdown and after (though notably less). Remote consulting was also commonly accepted for both repeat prescriptions and prescriptions for new conditions. Around half of the practices allow remote consulting for only existing clients and the other half open to new clients (see this RCVS report). My personal take is that in 2021 the trend for remote consulting is most likely to stay with enhanced RCVS guidance.

It may be very useful to identify other neighbours in your apartment building who own pets. In the case of an emergency, they could often offer a helping hand. They would also share their knowledge about the best veterinary practices nearby, the ideal walking routes, or home tips for pets specific to your apartment layouts. If you were away and needed a pet-sitter, you could always reach out to your resident neighbours first, before searching online.

Fridi is the perfect resident hub for pet owners to speak with each other. If you had not already, please check out our app launch on www.fridi.co.uk and register your interest. New members signing up before the app launch will receive free lifetime access to all future features of Fridi!

Originally published at https://www.fridi.co.uk on February 7, 2021.




Founder at Fridi Technologies, supporting the resident hub that makes your apartment a true home. www.fridi.co.uk